“Miss Tina”

We saw Miss Tina having a cigarette break outside the laundromat she ran in Marks, Mississippi. Gloria and Craig engaged her in conversation while I took a few shots. After a short time Miss Tina shouted at a young man, about 20 years old, going into the barbershop a few doors down, “Hey man, where’s my five dollars?” He smiled and shouted back “Ain’t got it.” Miss Tina told us she liked messing with the young guys heading in for haircuts. I was curious about what subjects for painting I might find in the barbershop so I said to Miss Tina, “How about I see if I can get your five dollars?” She found that funny and I went down to the barbershop. I said to the young guy waiting for the barber, “Miss Tina sent me to collect her five dollars.” He started to reach into his pocket and I said “I’m just messing with you.” I took a couple of shots of him and the barber, then headed for the door. As I left, I heard, “Tell Miss Tina I’ll bring her the five dollars later.” She’s probably still waiting.